Friday, December 21, 2012

You're Beautiful

What is up everyone!

        As you can see, I am writing this on 12/22/12 , which is supposed to be the day after the world was "going to end". So I guess then that makes me a survivor (sorry if this offends anyone that actually believed it would happen). Anyways, I have had the worst week. So it seems that I caught a cold (thanks to my mom), and have been sneezing, coughing and sniffling for the past 4 days, but I'm happy to say that I've been getting a lot better, especially since Christmas is around the corner. Getting back to why anyone is wanting to read this, time for my drama review, this week's drama is.....

                                                       You're Beautiful

Story Line: The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to the group as the lead vocal, Tae Kyung's voice was hurting. However,the new member, Mi Nam, had to go to the States to repair a botched eye job just before signing the contract. His agent came up with the idea of having his twin sister, Mi Nyu,to stand in for him and pretend that she was her brother. The two of them grew up in an orphanage and Mi Nyu, who was all set to become a nun, agreed to this charade as she didn't want to spoil her brother's chance of fame which would make it easier to look for their mother. Tae Kyung discovers that Mi Nam is a girl and threatens to reveal it, but later decides to keep it a secret. As Mi Nyu starts living with the band she starts having feelings toward Tae Kyung, and he later on realizes the feelings he has towards Mi Nyu.

Jang Geun Suk as Hwang Tae Kyung
Park Shin Hye as Go Mi Nam (Male) / Go Mi Nyeo (Female)
Jung Yong Hwa as Kang Shin Woo
Lee Hong Ki as Kang On Yu / Jeremy
Kim In Kwon as Ma Hoon Yi (Mi Nam's manager)
Uee as Yoo He Yi

Info on story line and cast are thanks to:'re_Beautiful  

Romance: 7 
   Although there wasn't so much romance in the drama there was conflict with the main male and female lead, that would give you signs about their developing feelings, like when Mi Nyu got kissed my Tae Kyung, you could actually see the fireworks she felt afterwards, literally. As you watch the drama, you already get the idea that no matter what happens, Mi Nyu and Tae Kyung are going to end up together, and even though I knew that the drama always had these moments where I wish I could change the ending just to see what would've happened. For example when Shin Woo was following (not in a stalker kind of way) Mi Nyu when she was dressed as a girl, around the town, while talking to her on the phone, almost like they were hanging out together but she never knew that, and in the end when he wanted her to see him, she ended up leaving. I felt so bad for him, I just wanted to cry. Another example would be when Jeremy finds out that Mi Nyu is in love with Tae Kyung, and he actually starts crying, but in the end although it was hard for him he accepts it. 

Humor: 8
   I loved the comedic moments in this drama. I loved how in the beginning Jeremy thought he was turning gay because he started liking Mi Nam (Actually Mi Nyu dressed as her brother) more than just a friend. I also thought the love triangle fan fiction (Fan fictions are stories that fans make where they use their favorite celebrities as characters in a fiction story) scene was hilarious. I really did like the humor they put in this drama, I would actually laugh for a good 5 min, then show these scenes to my sisters.
To see love triangle fan fiction scene (really funny) watch below:  

Action: 2
   I think the only action there really was in this drama (well that I can recall) was when Tae Kyung ran away from the wild pig that was chasing him.

Serious: 5
   I think it's sad that Tae Kyung's mom didn't really love him. I did start freaking out though when I thought that Tae Kyung's mom was also going to be Mi Nyu's mom, because I was like "eww if thats true then that means they're like half siblings, and they like-like each other.". I thought it was sad when she found out that her parents died, especially since she was really hoping that she could find them, I mean I know she did find her aunt, but I always felt like her aunt just wanted to be with her to show her off to her friends and try to mooch off of her.

Hotness: 9
   Living in a house with 3 cute guys? Sign me up! I never considered Jeremy as "hot" really, when I think about Jeremy, I always think cute, funny, and sweet. I did think Shin Woo was hot when he had a disguise which consisted of a grayish suite, fedora hat, and glasses, I guess because he looked so mature. When it comes to Tae Kyung, well he's not really my type, I mean he is handsome in some episodes, I just dont like how his semi long hair is put up most of the time, so yeah.

Ending: 7.5                                     
   I gave the ending this rating because, I loved how Tae Kyung sang that song to Mi Nyu at a concert, and basically declaring his love for her in front of everyone. The part I didn't really like is how now that they know their true feelings for each other, Mi Nyu has to go to Africa -_____- , I was like "really?!? after everything you're actually leaving?!?". 

The overall rating I would give this drama would be...........
    I thought this was a pretty reasonable score for this drama. I liked the actors, and the how they portrayed their characters. I liked the comedic as well as the slight romantic scenes. The overall drama was pretty good, I think the only thing I would have wanted to change would be the fact that Park Shin Hye played the part of Mi Nyu and her brother Mi Nam (since they're supposed to be twins). When they finally presented Mi Nam in the drama I thought it looked pretty cheesy and fake, I mean I know its probably hard to find korean twin actors but they still could've looked for someone to play Mi Nam that looked a little like Park Shin Hye, but hey not everything can go my way. That's it for today, have an awesome day.

p.s Lee Hong Ki, the guy that plays Jeremy is actually in a band called FTIsland, I recommend listening to some of their songs especially "I Wish" (one of my favorites)

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