Saturday, December 1, 2012

City Hunter

     Hey guys and gals, it's been a while! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I know I did. I was soo  full from all the great food, yet I still had room for dessert. I know it's almost been 2 weeks since I last posted but I've been a bit busy, and my sister kept hogging the computer. Well anyways, back to what you're here for. This week's drama rating will be about.......... City Hunter!!

        Yes, I watched this drama and I bet you can tell why. If you've read my last two posts you can tell that there's a similarity those two and this one. They all have the smokin Lee Min Ho.        

Story Line:
The story takes place in Seoul, 2011. Lee Yoon Sung is a talented MIT-graduate who works on the international communications team in the Blue House. He plans revenge on five politicians who caused his father's death with his surrogate father Lee Jin Pyo and eventually becomes a "City Hunter."

 Lee Min Ho- Lee Yoon Sung / John Lee / Poo Chai
Park Min Young- Kim Na Na
Lee Joon Hyuk- Kim Young Joo
Kim Sang Joong- Lee Jin Pyo / Steve Lee
Kim Sang Ho- Bae Shik Joong / Bae Man Deok
Information about story line and cast is courtesy of:

                               Alright, time for the ratings for this kdrama.

Romance: 6
I gave this drama a 6 because there wasn't as much romance as I would've wanted. I mean I get that it's supposed to be more action, and that Lee Yoon Sung didn't want to get close to Kim Na Na in order to protect her, but I still wish their relationship progressed more. I did like Yoon Sung in the beginning though when he was falling for Na Na, the things he would do to get her attention were so cute.

Humor: 4
There isn't supposed to be so much humor in this drama since it's supposed to be more serious. It probably had some funny moments her and there but it was very limited. It would have been nice if there was a few more but then it probably wouldn't have been as sad and dramatic. My favorite funny moments though, were when Na Na and Yoon Sung lived together for a short while.

Action: 10
Of course I had to give City Hunter a 10 in action, how could I not. This drama was filled with explosions, gun shots, and awesome fighting. I actually liked watching Yoon Sung go all into spy mode when he was about to get revenge on his victim. The way they made his fighting skills look amazing made him look like such a badass. I think every girl has a weakness for bad boys and here is a perfect example of it. I liked how all the scenes that involved action actually looked real, you wouldn't be able to tell if it was special effects or something.

Serious: 9
This drama got a rating of 9 because it was basically about revenge, and revenge is no laughing matter when it came to Yoon Sung. Some of these moments were really sad to me, like when Yoon Sung's dad dies. There was one scene though I practically cried, and that was when Young Joo was killed. I felt like it sucked so much for his ex girlfriend, since right before he left and died, they finally made up and decided to be together again.

Hotness: 10
Well since I am a Lee Min Ho fan, I just had to give him a 10, but there was also another cute male that caught my eye, which was of course Young Joo the prosecutor. Both of these guys are really good looking, and they have awesome fighting skills.

Ending: 6
Well I fell that the ending to this drama was a bit disappointing. I mean I was glad that the main female and male lead didn't die, but the ending left me with questions like most kdramas do. I know he can't be with her because she "deserves better", but she should've been able to decide that. I didn't like how the drama ended off with them just staring at each other. It made me wonder "So, where is Kim Na Na going and are they never gonna be together or what?".

Well my overall rating for this drama is......................
As I watched the drama I would lose interest sometimes. I think it's just me though, I'm kind of more into dramas that are romantic comedies. This drama did have it's moments where you just wanted to find out what happened next and the reveal of a secret that changes everything in the end, really surprised me. I liked the drama, but I don't think it would be in my top 5.

  Well thanks for taking the time to read. I hope these ratings help you decide what drama you might want to try reading next. Don't forget sending me your own recommendations are always welcome, or if you want me to rate a drama, just put it in a comment. Till next time,

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